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Root (Muladhara)

The 'grounding' chakra, located in the base of the spine, is our center of security and the foundation of our emotions and actions. When balanced, it brings inner peace and helps free your full potential. The ritual combines a sage smoke ceremony, soothing singing bowl, energy work, hip and low back releasing stretches and deep slow massage using specifically blended aroma oils. Together, these offerings induce a deep sense of stillness and release, leaving you feeling physically and emotionally grounded.

USD 180

Sacral (Swadhisthana)

The ‘self development’ chakra The sacral chakra (located in the lower abdomen) is our centre of sensuality and self-worth, fertility and creativity. When balanced, it enables us to ‘let go’, connect openly to others and develop our own sense of pleasure and creativity. This ritual combines a visualization meditation, sensory exploration experiences, energy work, hip and low back releasing stretches and deep slow massage using specifically blended aroma oils. Together, a renewed sense of optimism, responsibility, contentment and enthusiasm is nurtured and restored.


USD 180

Solar Plexus (Manipura)

The 'inner strength' chakra The navel chakra (located in the solar plexus) is our centre of vitality and vibrancy, and governs our capacity to grow and develop. When balanced it boosts our inner fire, sense of purpose and healthy self-confidence. The ritual combines energizing breath work, crystal placement, energy work, releasing stretches and deep slow massage using specifically blended aroma oils. Together, they balance the inner fire, restoring good self-esteem and a sense of empowerment.


USD 180

Heart (Anahata)

The ‘universal compassion’ chakra The heart chakra (located in the chest) is our centre of unconditional love and seat of compassion, forgiveness, generosity and wellbeing. When balanced it enables us to feel great compassion, understanding, acceptance and ease. This chakra is very important, as opening the heart clears negativity, allowing only love and compassion to be given and received. Ideal for anyone seeking emotional balance or renewed positivity and equilibrium. This ritual combines a heart opening meditation, crystal healing, stretch and massage for freeing the ribs and chest, with specifically blended aroma oils. A sense of harmony is restored, leaving you feeling at one with yourself and those around you.


USD 180

Throat (Vishuddha)

The 'truth' chakra The throat chakra (located in the centre of the throat) governs our communication, honesty and creative expression; it is also our body’s sleep centre. When balanced, it embodies positivity, clear thinking and creative energy. This ritual begins with a vocal meditation, to stimulate the Throat Chakra and clear any blockages in the throat area. Followed by stretches and massage for the neck area, aroma oil, crystal placement and energy work. We will end with a discussion about authentic communication and honest expression. Great for clearing the mind of negativity or criticism and encouraging deep, restful sleep.


USD 120

Third Eye (Ajna)

The ‘perception’ chakra The third eye chakra (located in the centre of the forehead) is our soul centre and seat of our imagination, wisdom, higher intuition and visualization. When in harmony, it promotes deep inner peace, enables us to follow our dreams, and opens our minds to the infinite potential of the universe. Energies of the third eye are accessible to all, and can be unblocked and balanced through deep meditation. This ritual uses visualization, meditation, breathing techniques and aroma oils to release exhaustion and emotional stress. Facial massage techniques will also help pave the way for a more peaceful, clearer and ‘knowing’ state of mind.


USD 120

Crown (Sahasrara)

The 'enlightenment' chakra The crown chakra (located on top of the head) is our seat of pure consciousness and connection to the universe. When in harmony, it brings great intuitive knowledge, selfless spiritual awareness and a true sense of purpose.This enlightening and balancing ritual begins with a tender Kundalini back massage to relax the nervous system and harmonize the flow of energy along the spinal column. The crown is then anointed with the specific aroma blend and the scalp is gently massaged with coconut oil. We end with a breathig meditation, a unifying sequence that channels energy from the heart of the earth to the higher self, encouraging reconnection with one’s source. 


USD 120

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